The Mōkai geothermal energy field is located under the Trust’s land where hot rock heats underground water to over 380°C. Deep wells enable the hot water and steam to be piped to the surface for commercial use. The power plant uses the heated fluid from the production wells to generate electricity and then returns this fluid back into the geothermal field via reinjection wells drilled specifically for this purpose.
Geothermal Power Generation Hopukanga Hiko Ngāwhā
Our Investment Ngā Haumitanga
Tūaropaki Power Company
Tūaropaki Power Company generates 113MW electricity from geothermal wells on Trust land. We sell our energy on the wholesale market, supplying our electricity via the national grid.
TPC was first established by the Trust in 1994, shortly after the deregulation of the NZ electricity market. The Trust was the first and largest private generator at that time, and in 2003 a 25% shareholding was sold to Mercury Energy in order to fund the development and expansion of the power station.
Ensuring that we manage the geothermal taonga in a sustainable and responsible manner is critical to our business. Extensive monitoring and analysis and research of the Mōkai geothermal taonga underlie Tūaropaki’s commitment to better understanding of the extent and dynamics of this valuable resource.
Comprehensive modelling informs all of our management and development decisions and will continue to guide decisions about the potential of expanding the Mōkai plant in the future.
Careers at Our Powerstation Ngā Tūranga Ki Te Wharehiko
Interested in a role at the Power Station? The operation of the station is managed by the Trust’s partners Mercury. We recommend keeping an eye on the Mercury Careers portal for openings.
Our business ventures Ngā Pakihi
From geothermal power generation and pastoral farming to energy services and engineering, our array of enterprises embodies innovation, sustainability, and a commitment to excellence.
Miraka is establishing itself as an export orientated dairy ingredients processing
View business venturesPastoral farming, one of the Trust's core activities, is carried out on 3,410...
View business venturesNgaire George Sustainability Centre
The Centre integrates sustainable practices of the specific business units at Mōkai.
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