The Tuaropaki Trust is a cornerstone shareholder of Miraka Limited - a state of the art whole milk powder and Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) plant built on Tuaropaki land.
The Miraka plant, built in 2010 and beginning production in August the following year, has built a credible brand based on its strong Maori shareholder base. Shareholders include Tuaropaki Trust; Wairarapa Moana Incorporation; Vinamilk (Vietnam); Waipapa 9 Trust; Hauhungaroa Partnership; Tauhara Moana Trust; Pouakani Trust; Te Awahohonu Forest Trust and Global Dairy Network.
Miraka produces high quality whole milk powder to meet high-end ingredient requirements for an international customer base. Miraka also produces consumer packs of UHT milk for the international market, Frozen Milk Concentrate and A2 beta casein milk powder.
The Tuaropaki Trust works closely with the company to provide renewable energy and an environmentally sustainable model for its operations. Miraka uses renewable electricity and steam from the Mokai geothermal field to run its processing operations - a world first for the whole milk powder processing industry which gives Miraka’s products a lower carbon footprint and potential marketing advantage. In addition, biological waste created during the drying process is composted at the Tuaropaki Trust worm farm.
The continued investment in Miraka affords the Trust vertical integration within the supply chain of the global dairy sector.