Trust Order Review

Kia ora ngā uri o Tūaropaki


96.46% of Tūaropaki Owners who participated in the vote, have approved the new Trust Order and Charter. 

The Trust will now apply to the Māori Land Court for confirmation of the results.

Thank you to everyone who attended one of the 5 regional wānanga, shared whakaaro and voted through the Tūaropaki Trust Order Review process. 

The election was overseen by an independent Returning Officer, and any enquiries should be directed to them.

*The proposed Trust Order and Charter were sent by post from 21st December 2023. Voting opened on 22nd December and closed on 29th February 2024. 



Isiah Roberts

Independent Returning Officer

0800 666 028


The Trust Order Review process was a significant undertaking for the Trust during 2022, with whakaaro led by our Owners. Our aspirations were to connect with as many Tūaropaki whānau as possible during five regional wānanga around the motu, to seek feedback on the future of the Trust. The wānanga provided an opportunity to learn about the history of the Trust and an opportunity for you to share your whakaaro on two important matters: 

  • Current Trust Order, potential changes, and the impacts these may have on Owners
  • Future of the Trust – your aspirations for the future Trust 

The regional wānanga were well attended, in particular the last in Taupō on the 15th of October 2022, which concluded an insightful and valuable process.  

Trust Order Review process:

Step 1: Listen, discuss, and record responses from our uri and Owners.  In addition to collating feedback at the wānanga, written feedback was also collected from Owners unable to attend.   

Step 2: Feedback collated by Kāhui Legal, key themes presented at the 2022 AGM.  

Step 3: Draft Trust Order and Charter sent to Owners for consultation.

Step 4: Feedback forms received from Owners and collated by Kahui Legal.

Step 5: Proposed Trust Order and proposed Charter sent out to be voted on.

Step 6: Vote on whether or not to accept the draft Trust Order and Charter - online or paper, administered by an independent Returning Officer.

Step 7: If the Vote accepts the draft, then an application will be made to the Māori Land Court to update and confirm the new Trust Order.