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Scholarship Grants Ngā Pūtea Karahipi

Providing scholarship grants to owners and their descendants, empowering them to pursue higher education and achieve academic excellence.

How to Apply Te Huarahi Tono

Applications are closed and will re-open on 14 April 2025.

We are committed to supporting the educational aspirations of our whānau. Our scholarship grants are available for fee-based NZQA approved Tertiary Institutions and courses of study in the following areas:

  • Science: Geology/Geothermal, Engineering, Horticulture, Agriculture
  • Business Studies/Commerce: Economics, Finance, Law, Communications
  • Māori: Language, Culture, Development

You or your natural descendants who meet the eligibility criteria can apply online when applications are open. Please ensure your completed application is submitted by the due date. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

Ngā Paearu | Eligibility

  • Applicants must be owners or descendants of owners.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in an NZQA approved tertiary institution.
  • Applicants must be pursuing a course of study in one of the specified areas: Science, Business Studies/Commerce, or Māori.

Ngā Mātāpono | Notes

  • A limited number of scholarships are offered in the areas of our business operations: Science, Business Studies/Commerce, and Māori.
  • Successful scholarship recipients will receive a grant every year for the identified period of the course, subject to the successful completion and passing of courses each year and current enrolment in the qualification initially applied for. The scholarship is in addition to the Tertiary Grant.
  • A current CV is required as part of your 2024 tertiary/scholarship application. We are currently developing our Internship and Scholarship database, and your CV will assist when considering candidates.

For more information, please contact:

[email protected]

+64 7 376 2500

0800 376 2500

Level 1, 54 Tūwharetoa Street, Taupō 3351,
New Zealand


Need Help? He pātai tonu tāu

Contact the Owner Services team for assistance completing succession applications and noting succession orders as well as facilitation of our grants, as well as any other queries about the Owner’s register, distributions and unclaimed monies.