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Tangihanga Grants Karāti Tangihanga

Ngā Kōrero mō ngā Karāti Tangihanga

Offering financial support to deceased owners and beneficiaries of a whānau trust, easing the burden during times of bereavement.

How to Apply Te Huarahi Tono

Applications are accepted year-round.

The Tangihanga grant is available to deceased Owners or beneficiaries of a Whānau Trust who have passed.

The grant is a $600 payment to either the estate’s account or directly to the funeral director.

Ngā Paearu | Eligibility
This form is for application on behalf of a deceased owner or a deceased beneficiary of a Whānau Trust in Tūaropaki E. This applies to a date of death from 1 July 2024 onwards until further notice from the Trust.

Ngā Mātāpono | Notes
The tangihanga grant can be paid to either the funeral director or the estate account.

For more information please contact:

[email protected]

+64 7 376 2500

0800 376 2500

Level 1, 54 Tūwharetoa Street, Taupō 3351,
New Zealand


Need Help? He pātai tonu tāu

Contact the Owner Services team for assistance completing succession applications and noting succession orders as well as facilitation of our grants, as well as any other queries about the Owner’s register, distributions and unclaimed monies.